
isphere.command module

The isphere command classes.

#  Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Maximilien Riehl <>
#  This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2,
#  as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING.wtfpl file for more details.

The isphere command classes.

import cmd

import cmd2

from isphere.command.core_command import CoreCommand
from isphere.command.esx_command import EsxCommand
from isphere.command.virtual_machine_command import VirtualMachineCommand
from isphere.command.dvs_command import DvsCommand

__pdoc__ = {}

class VSphereREPL(EsxCommand, VirtualMachineCommand, DvsCommand):

    The isphere REPL command class.

    for field in cmd.Cmd.__dict__.keys():
        __pdoc__['VSphereREPL.%s' % field] = None
    for field in cmd2.Cmd.__dict__.keys():
        __pdoc__['VSphereREPL.%s' % field] = None

    def __init__(self, hostname=None, username=None, password=None):
        Create a new REPL that connects to a vmware vCenter.

        - hostname (type `str`) is the vCenter host name. Can be `None` and will
          result in a prompt.
        - username (type `str`) is the vCenter user name. Can be `None` and will
          result in a prompt.
        - password (type `str`) is the vCenter password. Can be `None` and will
          result in a prompt.
        self.hostname = hostname
        self.username = username
        self.password = password

    def cmdloop(self, **kwargs):
        Launches a REPL and swallows `KeyboardInterrupt`s.
            cmd2.Cmd.cmdloop(self, **kwargs)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print("Quit with Ctrl+D or `EOF`.")


class VSphereREPL

The isphere REPL command class.

class VSphereREPL(EsxCommand, VirtualMachineCommand, DvsCommand):

    The isphere REPL command class.

    for field in cmd.Cmd.__dict__.keys():
        __pdoc__['VSphereREPL.%s' % field] = None
    for field in cmd2.Cmd.__dict__.keys():
        __pdoc__['VSphereREPL.%s' % field] = None

    def __init__(self, hostname=None, username=None, password=None):
        Create a new REPL that connects to a vmware vCenter.

        - hostname (type `str`) is the vCenter host name. Can be `None` and will
          result in a prompt.
        - username (type `str`) is the vCenter user name. Can be `None` and will
          result in a prompt.
        - password (type `str`) is the vCenter password. Can be `None` and will
          result in a prompt.
        self.hostname = hostname
        self.username = username
        self.password = password

    def cmdloop(self, **kwargs):
        Launches a REPL and swallows `KeyboardInterrupt`s.
            cmd2.Cmd.cmdloop(self, **kwargs)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print("Quit with Ctrl+D or `EOF`.")

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var field

Instance variables


def compile_and_yield_dvs_patterns(

self, patterns, risky=True)

Inheritance: isphere.command.dvs_command.DvsCommand.isphere.command.dvs_command.DvsCommand.compile_and_yield_dvs_patterns

def compile_and_yield_dvs_patterns(self, patterns, risky=True):
    return self.compile_and_yield_generic_patterns(patterns, self.yield_dvs_patterns, self.cache.number_of_dvses, risky)

def compile_and_yield_esx_patterns(

self, patterns, risky=True)

Inheritance: isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.compile_and_yield_esx_patterns

def compile_and_yield_esx_patterns(self, patterns, risky=True):
    return self.compile_and_yield_generic_patterns(patterns,

def compile_and_yield_generic_patterns(

self, patterns, pattern_generator, item_count, risky=True)

Inheritance: isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.compile_and_yield_generic_patterns

Compiles and returns regular expression patterns. Swallows the exception and complains if the patterns are invalid. Optionally (yes by default), warns and prompts in case no pattern was given.

  • patterns (type str): A space delimited sequence of regular expression patterns.
  • pattern_generator (type callable): A function that, given a list of patterns, will return matching item names.
  • item_count (type int): The number of available items before pattern matching.
  • risky (type bool, default True): Whether to warn when no patterns are given.
def compile_and_yield_generic_patterns(self, patterns, pattern_generator, item_count, risky=True):
    Compiles and returns regular expression patterns. Swallows the exception
    and complains if the patterns are invalid.
    Optionally (yes by default), warns and prompts in case no pattern was given.
    - patterns (type `str`): A space delimited sequence of regular expression patterns.
    - pattern_generator (type `callable`): A function that, given a list of patterns,
      will return matching item names.
    - item_count (type `int`): The number of available items before pattern
    - risky (type `bool`, default `True`): Whether to warn when no patterns
      are given.
    if not patterns and risky:
        unformatted_message = "No pattern specified - you're doing this to all {count} items. Proceed? (y/N) "
        message = unformatted_message.format(count=self.colorize(str(item_count), "red"))
        if not _input(message).lower() == "y":
            return []
    actual_patterns = patterns.strip().split(" ")
        compiled_patterns = [re.compile(pattern) for pattern in actual_patterns]
    except Exception as e:
        print(self.colorize("Invalid regular expression patterns: {0}".format(e), "red"))
        return []
    return pattern_generator(compiled_patterns)

def compile_and_yield_vm_patterns(

self, patterns, risky=True)

Inheritance: isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.compile_and_yield_vm_patterns

def compile_and_yield_vm_patterns(self, patterns, risky=True):
    return self.compile_and_yield_generic_patterns(patterns,

def do_alarms_vm(

self, patterns)

Inheritance: isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.do_alarms_vm

Usage: alarms_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...] Show alarm information for vms matching the given ORed name patterns.

Sample usage: alarms MY_VM_NAME

def do_alarms_vm(self, patterns):
    """Usage: alarms_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...]
    Show alarm information for vms matching the given ORed name patterns.
    Sample usage: `alarms MY_VM_NAME`
    for vm_name in self.compile_and_yield_vm_patterns(patterns):
        print("-" * 70)
        print("Alarms for {0}".format(vm_name))
        alarms = self.retrieve_vm(vm_name).triggeredAlarmState
        for alarm in alarms:
            print("\talarm_moref: {0}".format(alarm.key.split('.')[0]))
            print("\talarm status: {0}".format(alarm.overallStatus))

def do_config_vm(

self, patterns)

Inheritance: isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.do_config_vm

Usage: config_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...] Show the full config of vms matching the given ORed name patterns. Careful, there's lots of output!

Sample usage: config MY_VM_NAME

def do_config_vm(self, patterns):
    """Usage: config_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...]
    Show the full config of vms matching the given ORed name patterns.
    Careful, there's lots of output!
    Sample usage: `config MY_VM_NAME`
    for vm_name in self.compile_and_yield_vm_patterns(patterns):
        print("-" * 70)
        print("Config for {0}:".format(vm_name))

def do_eval_dvs(

self, line)

Inheritance: isphere.command.dvs_command.DvsCommand.isphere.command.dvs_command.DvsCommand.do_eval_dvs

Usage: eval_dvs [pattern1 [pattern2]...] ! Evaluate a statement of python code. You can access the dvs object by using the variable dvs.

Calling the function no_output will not produce any output (use this to filter).

Sample usage: eval MY_DVS_NAME ! filter(lambda field_name: callable(getattr(dvs, field_name)) and not field_name.startswith("_"), dir(dvs)) ^ shows 'public' methods we can call on the dvs object eval MY_DVS_NAME ! * eval_dvs ! dvs.overallStatus if dvs.overallStatus != "green" else no_output() ^ shows overall status of dvs hosts unless they have the "green" status

def do_eval_dvs(self, line):
    """Usage: eval_dvs [pattern1 [pattern2]...] ! <statement>
    Evaluate a statement of python code. You can access the
    dvs object by using the variable `dvs`.
    Calling the function `no_output` will not produce any output (use this
                                                                  to filter).
    Sample usage:
    * `eval MY_DVS_NAME ! filter(lambda field_name: callable(getattr(dvs, field_name)) and not field_name.startswith("_"), dir(dvs))`
      ^ shows 'public' methods we can call on the dvs object
    * `eval MY_DVS_NAME !`
    * `eval_dvs ! dvs.overallStatus if dvs.overallStatus != "green" else no_output()`
      ^ shows overall status of dvs hosts unless they have the "green" status
    self.eval(line, self.compile_and_yield_dvs_patterns, self.retrieve_dvs, "dvs")

def do_eval_esx(

self, line)

Inheritance: isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.do_eval_esx

Usage: eval_esx [pattern1 [pattern2]...] ! Evaluate a statement of python code. You can access the esx object by using the variable esx.

Calling the function no_output will not produce any output (use this to filter).

Sample usage: eval MY_ESX_NAME ! filter(lambda field_name: callable(getattr(esx, field_name)) and not field_name.startswith("_"), dir(esx)) ^ shows 'public' methods we can call on the esx object eval MY_ESX_NAME ! * eval_esx ! esx.overallStatus if esx.overallStatus != "green" else no_output() ^ shows overall status of esx hosts unless they have the "green" status

def do_eval_esx(self, line):
    """Usage: eval_esx [pattern1 [pattern2]...] ! <statement>
    Evaluate a statement of python code. You can access the
    esx object by using the variable `esx`.
    Calling the function `no_output` will not produce any output (use this
                                                                  to filter).
    Sample usage:
    * `eval MY_ESX_NAME ! filter(lambda field_name: callable(getattr(esx, field_name)) and not field_name.startswith("_"), dir(esx))`
      ^ shows 'public' methods we can call on the esx object
    * `eval MY_ESX_NAME !`
    * `eval_esx ! esx.overallStatus if esx.overallStatus != "green" else no_output()`
      ^ shows overall status of esx hosts unless they have the "green" status
    self.eval(line, self.compile_and_yield_esx_patterns, self.retrieve_esx, "esx")

def do_eval_vm(

self, line)

Inheritance: isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.do_eval_vm

Usage: eval_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...] ! Evaluate a statement of python code. You can access the virtual machine object by using the variable vm. Calling the function no_output will not produce any output (use this to filter).

Sample usage: eval MY_VM_NAME ! filter(lambda field_name: callable(getattr(vm, field_name)) and not field_name.startswith("_"), dir(vm)) ^ shows 'public' methods we can call on the vm object eval MY_VM_NAME ! * eval MY_VM_NAME ! vm.RebootGuest()

def do_eval_vm(self, line):
    """Usage: eval_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...] ! <statement>
    Evaluate a statement of python code. You can access the
    virtual machine object by using the variable `vm`.
    Calling the function `no_output` will not produce any output (use this
                                                                  to filter).
    Sample usage:
    * `eval MY_VM_NAME ! filter(lambda field_name: callable(getattr(vm, field_name)) and not field_name.startswith("_"), dir(vm))`
      ^ shows 'public' methods we can call on the vm object
    * `eval MY_VM_NAME !`
    * `eval MY_VM_NAME ! vm.RebootGuest()`
    self.eval(line, self.compile_and_yield_vm_patterns, self.retrieve_vm, "vm")

def do_info_vm(

self, patterns)

Inheritance: isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.do_info_vm

Usage: info_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...] Show quick info about vms matching the given ORed name patterns.

Sample usage: info MY_VM_NAME

def do_info_vm(self, patterns):
    """Usage: info_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...]
    Show quick info about vms matching the given ORed name patterns.
    Sample usage: `info MY_VM_NAME`
    custom_attributes_mapping = self.cache.get_custom_attributes_mapping()
    for vm_name in self.compile_and_yield_vm_patterns(patterns):
        vm = self.retrieve_vm(vm_name)
        print("-" * 70)
        print("Name: {0}".format(
        print("ESXi Host: {0}".format(vm.get_esx_host().name))
        print("Path to VM: {0}".format(vm.summary.config.vmPathName))
        print("BIOS UUID: {0}".format(vm.config.uuid))
        print("CPUs: {0}".format(vm.config.hardware.numCPU))
        print("MemoryMB: {0}".format(vm.config.hardware.memoryMB))
        print("Guest PowerState: {0}".format(vm.guest.guestState))
        print("Guest Full Name: {0}".format(vm.config.guestFullName))
        print("Guest Container Type: {0}".format(vm.config.guestId))
        print("Container Version: {0}".format(vm.config.version))
        for custom_field in vm.customValue:
            print("{0}: {1}".format(custom_attributes_mapping[custom_field.key], custom_field.value))

def do_list_dvs(

self, patterns)

Inheritance: isphere.command.dvs_command.DvsCommand.isphere.command.dvs_command.DvsCommand.do_list_dvs

Usage: list_dvs [pattern1 [pattern2]...] List the dvs names matching the given ORed name patterns.

Sample usage: list_dvs list_dvs .*

def do_list_dvs(self, patterns):
    """Usage: list_dvs [pattern1 [pattern2]...]
    List the dvs names matching the given ORed name patterns.
    Sample usage:
    * `list_dvs`
    * `list_dvs .*`
    for dvs_name in self.compile_and_yield_dvs_patterns(patterns, risky=False):

def do_list_esx(

self, patterns)

Inheritance: isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.do_list_esx

Usage: list [pattern1 [pattern2]...] List the esx names matching the given ORed name patterns.

Sample usage: list dev.* ...ybc01 list * list .*

def do_list_esx(self, patterns):
    """Usage: list [pattern1 [pattern2]...]
    List the esx names matching the given ORed name patterns.
    Sample usage:
    * `list dev.* ...ybc01`
    * `list`
    * `list .*`
    for esx_name in self.compile_and_yield_esx_patterns(patterns, risky=False):

def do_list_vm(

self, patterns)

Inheritance: isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.do_list_vm

Usage: list [pattern1 [pattern2]...] List the vm names matching the given ORed name patterns.

Sample usage: list dev.* ...ybc01 list * list .*

def do_list_vm(self, patterns):
    """Usage: list [pattern1 [pattern2]...]
    List the vm names matching the given ORed name patterns.
    Sample usage:
    * `list dev.* ...ybc01`
    * `list`
    * `list .*`
    for vm_name in self.compile_and_yield_vm_patterns(patterns, risky=False):

def do_migrate_vm(

self, line)

Inheritance: isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.do_migrate_vm

Usage: migrate_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...] ! TARGET_ESX_NAME Migrate one or several VMs to another ESX host by name.

Sample usage: migrate MYVNNAME ! ESX_FQDN

def do_migrate_vm(self, line):
    """Usage: migrate_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...] ! TARGET_ESX_NAME
    Migrate one or several VMs to another ESX host by name.
    Sample usage: `migrate MYVNNAME ! ESX_FQDN`
        patterns_and_esx_name = line.split("!", 1)
        patterns = patterns_and_esx_name[0]
        esx_name = patterns_and_esx_name[1].strip()
    except IndexError:
        print("Looks like your input was malformed. Try `help migrate_vm`.")
    if not esx_name:
        print("No target esx name given. Try `help migrate_vm`.")
        # TODO use esx from cache, allows for better error messages (eg no fqdn)
        esx_host = self.cache.find_by_dns_name(esx_name)
    except NotFound:
        print("Target esx host '{0}' not found, maybe try with FQDN?".format(esx_name))
    for vm_name in self.compile_and_yield_vm_patterns(patterns):
        relocate_spec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec(host=esx_host)
        print("Relocating {0} to {1}".format(vm_name, esx_name))
        except Exception as e:
            print("Relocation failed: {0}".format(e))

def do_reboot_vm(

self, patterns)

Inheritance: isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.do_reboot_vm

Usage: reboot_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...] Soft reboot vms matching the given ORed name patterns.

Sample usage: reboot MY_VM_NAME

def do_reboot_vm(self, patterns):
    """Usage: reboot_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...]
    Soft reboot vms matching the given ORed name patterns.
    Sample usage: `reboot MY_VM_NAME`
    for vm_name in self.compile_and_yield_vm_patterns(patterns):
        print("Asking {0} to reboot".format(vm_name))

def do_reload(

self, _)

Inheritance: isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.do_reload

Usage: reload Reload VM cache from the vSphere server.

Sample usage: reload

def do_reload(self, _):
    """Usage: reload
    Reload VM cache from the vSphere server.
    Sample usage: `reload`

def do_reset_vm(

self, patterns)

Inheritance: isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.do_reset_vm

Usage: reset_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...] Reset vms matching the given ORed name patterns.

Sample usage: reset MY_VM_NAME OTHERNAME

def do_reset_vm(self, patterns):
    """Usage: reset_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...]
    Reset vms matching the given ORed name patterns.
    Sample usage: `reset MY_VM_NAME OTHERNAME`
    reset_tasks = []
    for vm_name in self.compile_and_yield_vm_patterns(patterns):
        print("Launching reset task for {0}".format(vm_name))
        reset_task = self.retrieve_vm(vm_name).ResetVM_Task()
    print("Waiting for {0} reset tasks to complete".format(len(reset_tasks)))

def do_set_custom_attribute_vm(

self, patterns)

Inheritance: isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.do_set_custom_attribute_vm

Usage: set_custom_attribute_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...] Set custom attributes by name on VMs matching the given ORed name patterns.

Sample usage: set_custom_attribute_vm foo.* ^other-name$

def do_set_custom_attribute_vm(self, patterns):
    """Usage: set_custom_attribute_vm [pattern1 [pattern2]...]
    Set custom attributes by name on VMs matching the given ORed name patterns.
    Sample usage: `set_custom_attribute_vm` foo.* ^other-name$
    attribute_names = self.cache.get_custom_attributes_mapping().values()
    formatted_attribute_names = "".join(
            "\n\t{attribute_name}".format(attribute_name=attribute_name) for attribute_name in attribute_names
    print("Available custom attribute names: {names}".format(
    target_name = _input("Target custom attribute name? ")
    target_value = _input("Target value for {name}? ".format(
    for vm_name in self.compile_and_yield_vm_patterns(patterns):
        print("Setting attribute for {vm_name}".format(vm_name=vm_name))
        except Exception as e:
                "Got a problem: {problem}".format(problem=e),
            print(self.colorize("Not continuing.", "red"))

def eval(

self, line, item_name_generator, item_retriever, local_name)

Inheritance: isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.eval

Run an eval command. This will retrieve items based on given patterns and execute a python statement against each of these items. The item will be bound to the given name for each of these statements.

  • line (type str): The text line provided by the user. The format should be as follows: !
  • item_name_generator (type callable): A function that should generate an iterable that represents the available item names for pattern matching.
  • item_retriever (type callable): A function that takes an item name generated by item_name_generator as input and returns the actual item.
  • local_name (type str): The name to bind the item to when evaluating the statement.
def eval(self, line, item_name_generator, item_retriever, local_name):
    Run an eval command. This will retrieve items based on given patterns
    and execute a python statement against each of these items. The item will
    be bound to the given name for each of these statements.
    - line (type `str`): The text line provided by the user. The format should
      be as follows: <patterns> ! <statement>
    - item_name_generator (type `callable`): A function that should generate
      an iterable that represents the available item names for pattern matching.
    - item_retriever (type `callable`): A function that takes an item name
      generated by `item_name_generator` as input and returns the actual item.
    - local_name (type `str`): The name to bind the item to when evaluating
      the statement.
        patterns_and_statement = line.split("!", 1)
        patterns = patterns_and_statement[0]
        statement = patterns_and_statement[1]
    except IndexError:
        print(self.colorize("Looks like your input was malformed. Try `help eval_*`.", "red"))
    for item_name in item_name_generator(patterns):
        def guard():
            raise NoOutput()
        _globals, _locals = {}, {}
            item = item_retriever(item_name)
        except NotFound:
            print(self.colorize("Skipping {item} since it could not be retrieved.".format(item=item_name), "red"))
        _locals[local_name] = item
        _locals["no_output"] = guard
        _globals[local_name] = item
        _globals["no_output"] = guard
        separator = "-"
        item_name_header = " {name} ".format(
            80, separator)
            result = eval(statement, _globals, _locals)
            print(self.colorize(item_name_header, "blue"))
        except NoOutput:
        except Exception as e:
            print(self.colorize(item_name_header, "red"))
            print(self.colorize("Eval failed for {0}: {1}".format(item_name, e), "red"))

def retrieve_dvs(

self, dvs_name)

Inheritance: isphere.command.dvs_command.DvsCommand.isphere.command.dvs_command.DvsCommand.retrieve_dvs

def retrieve_dvs(self, dvs_name):
    return self.cache.retrieve_dvs(dvs_name)

def retrieve_esx(

self, esx_name)

Inheritance: isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.retrieve_esx

def retrieve_esx(self, esx_name):
    return self.cache.retrieve_esx(esx_name)

def retrieve_vm(

self, vm_name)

Inheritance: isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.retrieve_vm

def retrieve_vm(self, vm_name):
    return self.cache.retrieve_vm(vm_name)

def yield_dvs_patterns(

self, compiled_patterns)

Inheritance: isphere.command.dvs_command.DvsCommand.isphere.command.dvs_command.DvsCommand.yield_dvs_patterns

def yield_dvs_patterns(self, compiled_patterns):
    for dvs_name in self.cache.list_cached_dvses():
        if any([pattern.match(dvs_name) for pattern in compiled_patterns]):

def yield_esx_patterns(

self, compiled_patterns)

Inheritance: isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.isphere.command.esx_command.EsxCommand.yield_esx_patterns

def yield_esx_patterns(self, compiled_patterns):
    for esx_name in self.cache.list_cached_esxis():
        if any([pattern.match(esx_name) for pattern in compiled_patterns]):

def yield_vm_patterns(

self, compiled_patterns)

Inheritance: isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.isphere.command.virtual_machine_command.VirtualMachineCommand.yield_vm_patterns

def yield_vm_patterns(self, compiled_patterns):
    for vm_name in self.cache.list_cached_vms():
        if any([pattern.match(vm_name) for pattern in compiled_patterns]):



A common set of capabilities for each command.


Distributed virtual switch specific REPL commands.


ESXi host system specific REPL commands.


Virtual machine specific REPL commands.