
isphere.interactive_wrapper module

This module overlays the pyVmomi library to make its use in a python shell or short program more enjoyable. Starting point is instantiating a vCenter Host (VVC) in order to get all VMs.

#  Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Maximilien Riehl <>
#  This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2,
#  as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING.wtfpl file for more details.

This module overlays the pyVmomi library to make its use in a
python shell or short program more enjoyable.
Starting point is instantiating a vCenter Host (VVC) in order
to get all VMs.

import atexit
from getpass import getpass

from pyVim import connect
from pyVmomi import vim, vmodl

__all__ = ["NotFound", "VVC", "ESX", "VM", "DVS"]

class NotFound(Exception):

    To be raised when a requested item was not found.

class VVC(object):

    A vCenter host.

    def __init__(self, hostname):
        Creates a VVC instance.

        - `hostname` (str) is the name of the vCenter host.
        self.hostname = hostname
        self.service_instance = None
        self.service_instance_content = None

    def connect(self, username, password=None):
        Connects to the vCenter host encapsulated by this VVC instance.

        - `username` (str) is the username to use for authentication.
        - `password` (str) is the password to use for authentication.
          If the password is not specified, a getpass prompt will be used.
        if not password:
            password = getpass("Password for {0}@{1}: ".format(username, self.hostname))
        self.service_instance = connect.SmartConnect(host=self.hostname,
        self.service_instance_content = self.service_instance.RetrieveContent()
        atexit.register(connect.Disconnect, self.service_instance)

    def get_first_level_of_vm_folders(self):
        children = self.service_instance_content.rootFolder.childEntity
        for child in children:
            if hasattr(child, "vmFolder"):
                yield child.vmFolder

    def get_service(self, service_name):
        if hasattr(self.service_instance_content, service_name):
            return getattr(self.service_instance_content, service_name)
        raise NotFound("Service {0} not found".format(service_name))

    def get_custom_attributes_mapping(self):
        Returns a dictionary that maps custom field keys to custom field names.
        custom_attributes_mapping = {}
        for field in self.get_service("customFieldsManager").field:
            custom_attributes_mapping[field.key] =

        return custom_attributes_mapping

    def set_custom_attribute(self, item, attribute_name, attribute_value):
        attribute_mapping = self.get_custom_attributes_mapping()
        attribute_key = None
        for actual_attribute_key, actual_attribute_name in attribute_mapping.items():
            if actual_attribute_name == attribute_name:
                attribute_key = actual_attribute_key

        if not attribute_key:
            raise NotFound("No custom attribute '{name}' found. Available names: {available_names}".format(
                name=attribute_name, available_names=attribute_mapping.values()))

        self.get_service("customFieldsManager").SetField(entity=item, key=attribute_key, value=attribute_value)

    def find_by_dns_name(self, dns_name, search_for_vms=False):
        Returns an item by searching for its DNS name.
        An exception will be raised if the item cannot be found.

        - `dns_name` (str) is the DNS name of the desired item.
        - `search_for_vms` (boolean) (default False) indicates if VMs should
          be included in the search.
        search_index = self.service_instance.RetrieveContent().searchIndex
        item = search_index.FindByDnsName(dnsName=dns_name, vmSearch=search_for_vms)
        if not item:
            raise NotFound(
                "Item with dns name {0} not found (search_for_vms: {1})".format(

        return item

    def get_vm_by_uuid(self, uuid):
        Returns a VM by searching for its UUID.
        An exception will be raised if the VM cannot be found.

        - `uuid` (str) is the UUID of the desired VM.
        vm = self.get_service("searchIndex").FindByUuid(uuid=uuid, vmSearch=True)
        if not vm:
            raise NotFound("VM with uuid {0} not found".format(uuid))
        return VM(vm)

    def get_host_system_by_uuid(self, uuid):
        Returns an item by searching for its UUID.
        An exception will be raised if the VM cannot be found.

        - `uuid` (str) is the UUID of the desired VM.
        esx = self.get_service("searchIndex").FindByUuid(uuid=uuid, vmSearch=False)
        if not esx:
            raise NotFound("Host system with uuid {0} not found".format(uuid))
        return ESX(esx)

    def get_all_vms(self):
        Returns a generator for all virtual machines on this vCenter.
        for vm in self.get_all_by_type([vim.VirtualMachine]):
            yield VM(vm)

    def get_all_by_type(self, types):
        Returns a list of all matching item types.

        - `types` (type[]) is a list of desired types. The types should be
          attributes of the `pyVmomi.vim` module, for example `pyVmomi.vim.VirtualMachine`
        view = self.view_for(types)
        all_items = view.view
        return all_items

    def get_all_esx(self):
        Returns a generator for all ESXi host systems on this vCenter.
        for esx in self.get_all_by_type([vim.HostSystem]):
            yield ESX(esx)

    def get_all_dvs(self):
        Returns a generator for all distributed virtual switches on this vCenter.
        for dvs in self.get_all_by_type([vim.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch]):
            yield DVS(dvs)

    def view_for(self, types):
        return self.get_service("viewManager").CreateContainerView(

    def get_restricted_view_on_vms(self, properties):
        Returns a list of all virtual machines.
        The VMs will only have the specified properties but retrieval will be
        insanely fast. The properties must exist on the `pyVmomi.vim.VirtualMachine`
        object, of course.

        - `properties` (str[]) is a list of desired properties.
          For example using `properties=["name", ""]` will return
          objects that have only the attributes `name` and ``.
        return self.get_restricted_view_on_items(properties, [vim.VirtualMachine])

    def get_restricted_view_on_host_systems(self, properties):
        Returns a list of all ESXi host systems.
        The ESXis will only have the specified properties but retrieval will be
        insanely fast. The properties must exist on the `pyVmomi.vim.HostSystem`
        object, of course.

        - `properties` (str[]) is a list of desired properties.
          For example using `properties=["name", "hardware.memorySize"]` will return
          objects that have only the attributes `name` and `hardware.memorySize`.
        return self.get_restricted_view_on_items(properties, [vim.HostSystem])

    def get_restricted_view_on_items(self, properties, types):
        Returns a restricted view on a specific item type collection.
        The items are restricted in the sense that only properties which were
        specified upon retrieval can be accessed.

        The return value will be a list of items that have the desired properties
        as attributes.
        Note that recursing properties (e.G. summary.config) will be stored under
        their full name (item.summary.config).

        - `properties` (str[]) is a list of properties that should be fetched.
          Recursing properties can be separated by dots, e.G. "summary.config".
        - `types` (type[]) is a list of types to restrict the items that are given
          back. The types must be attributes of the `pyVmomi.vim` module.
        unrestricted_view = self.view_for(types)
        collector_spec = build_property_collector_specs(unrestricted_view, properties)

        retrieved_contents = self.get_service("propertyCollector").RetrieveContents(collector_spec)
        items = []
        for item in retrieved_contents:
            item_instance = ItemContainer()
            for item_property in item.propSet:
                if in properties:
                    item_instance.set_path_value(, item_property.val)
        return items

class ItemContainer(object):

    def set_path_value(self, path, value):
        part_names = path.split(".")
        self._inner_set_path_value(part_names, value)

    def _inner_set_path_value(self, part_names, value, current_item=None):
        if not part_names:
        current_item = self if not current_item else current_item
        current_part = part_names.pop(0)
        need_to_set_value = not part_names  # if part_names is empty we're done with the path and can set the value
        if need_to_set_value:
            setattr(current_item, current_part, value)
            if not hasattr(current_item, current_part):
                part_container = ItemContainer()
                setattr(current_item, current_part, part_container)
                part_container = getattr(current_item, current_part)
            part_container._inner_set_path_value(part_names, value, part_container)

class ESX(object):

    An ESX instance.

    def __init__(self, raw_esx):
        self.raw_esx = raw_esx =

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return ==

    def __hash__(self):
        return int("".join((str(ord(c)) for c in

    def __getattr__(self, attribute):
        return getattr(self.raw_esx, attribute)

    def __dir__(self):
        return dir(self.raw_esx)

    def get_number_of_cores(self):
        Returns the number of CPU cores (type long) on this ESX.
        resources_on_esx = self.raw_esx.licensableResource.resource
        for resource in resources_on_esx:
            if resource.key == "numCpuCores":
                return resource.value
        message = "{0} has no resource numCpuCores.\n Available resources: {1}"
        raise RuntimeError(message.format(, resources_on_esx))

class VM(object):

    A virtual machine.

    def __init__(self, raw_vm):
        self.raw_vm = raw_vm =

    def __getattr__(self, attribute):
        return getattr(self.raw_vm, attribute)

    def __dir__(self):
        return dir(self.raw_vm)

    def get_first_network_interface_matching(self, predicate):
        Returns the first network interface of this VM that matches the given

        - `predicate` (callable) is a function that takes a network and returns
          True (return this network) or False (skip this network).
        for network in
            if predicate(network):
                return network
        return None

    def get_esx_host(self):
        return ESX(

class DVS(object):

    A DistributedVirtualSwitch

    def __init__(self, raw_dvs):
        self.raw_dvs = raw_dvs =

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return ==

    def __dir__(self):
        return dir(self.raw_dvs)

    def __getattr__(self, attribute):
        return getattr(self.raw_dvs, attribute)

def get_all_vms_in_folder(folder):
    vm_or_folders = folder.childEntity
    for vm_or_folder in vm_or_folders:
        if hasattr(vm_or_folder, "childEntity"):
            # it's still a folder, look deeper
            for vm in get_all_vms_in_folder(vm_or_folder):
                yield vm  # it's now a VM
            yield VM(vm_or_folder)  # it's a VM

def build_property_collector_specs(view, item_properties):
    obj_spec = vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectSpec()
    obj_spec.obj = view
    obj_spec.skip = True

    traversal_spec = vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.TraversalSpec() = 'traverseEntities'
    traversal_spec.path = 'view'
    traversal_spec.skip = False
    traversal_spec.type = view.__class__
    obj_spec.selectSet = [traversal_spec]

    property_spec = vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.PropertySpec()
    property_spec.type = getattr(vim, view.type[0])
    property_spec.pathSet = item_properties

    filter_spec = vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterSpec()
    filter_spec.objectSet = [obj_spec]
    filter_spec.propSet = [property_spec]
    return [filter_spec]


class DVS

A DistributedVirtualSwitch

class DVS(object):

    A DistributedVirtualSwitch

    def __init__(self, raw_dvs):
        self.raw_dvs = raw_dvs =

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return ==

    def __dir__(self):
        return dir(self.raw_dvs)

    def __getattr__(self, attribute):
        return getattr(self.raw_dvs, attribute)

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • DVS
  • __builtin__.object

Instance variables

var name

var raw_dvs


def __init__(

self, raw_dvs)

def __init__(self, raw_dvs):
    self.raw_dvs = raw_dvs =

class ESX

An ESX instance.

class ESX(object):

    An ESX instance.

    def __init__(self, raw_esx):
        self.raw_esx = raw_esx =

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return ==

    def __hash__(self):
        return int("".join((str(ord(c)) for c in

    def __getattr__(self, attribute):
        return getattr(self.raw_esx, attribute)

    def __dir__(self):
        return dir(self.raw_esx)

    def get_number_of_cores(self):
        Returns the number of CPU cores (type long) on this ESX.
        resources_on_esx = self.raw_esx.licensableResource.resource
        for resource in resources_on_esx:
            if resource.key == "numCpuCores":
                return resource.value
        message = "{0} has no resource numCpuCores.\n Available resources: {1}"
        raise RuntimeError(message.format(, resources_on_esx))

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • ESX
  • __builtin__.object

Instance variables

var name

var raw_esx


def __init__(

self, raw_esx)

def __init__(self, raw_esx):
    self.raw_esx = raw_esx =

def get_number_of_cores(


Returns the number of CPU cores (type long) on this ESX.

def get_number_of_cores(self):
    Returns the number of CPU cores (type long) on this ESX.
    resources_on_esx = self.raw_esx.licensableResource.resource
    for resource in resources_on_esx:
        if resource.key == "numCpuCores":
            return resource.value
    message = "{0} has no resource numCpuCores.\n Available resources: {1}"
    raise RuntimeError(message.format(, resources_on_esx))

class NotFound

To be raised when a requested item was not found.

class NotFound(Exception):

    To be raised when a requested item was not found.

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • NotFound
  • exceptions.Exception
  • exceptions.BaseException
  • __builtin__.object

Class variables

var args

var message

class VM

A virtual machine.

class VM(object):

    A virtual machine.

    def __init__(self, raw_vm):
        self.raw_vm = raw_vm =

    def __getattr__(self, attribute):
        return getattr(self.raw_vm, attribute)

    def __dir__(self):
        return dir(self.raw_vm)

    def get_first_network_interface_matching(self, predicate):
        Returns the first network interface of this VM that matches the given

        - `predicate` (callable) is a function that takes a network and returns
          True (return this network) or False (skip this network).
        for network in
            if predicate(network):
                return network
        return None

    def get_esx_host(self):
        return ESX(

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • VM
  • __builtin__.object

Instance variables

var name

var raw_vm


def __init__(

self, raw_vm)

def __init__(self, raw_vm):
    self.raw_vm = raw_vm =

def get_esx_host(


def get_esx_host(self):
    return ESX(

def get_first_network_interface_matching(

self, predicate)

Returns the first network interface of this VM that matches the given predicate.

  • predicate (callable) is a function that takes a network and returns True (return this network) or False (skip this network).
def get_first_network_interface_matching(self, predicate):
    Returns the first network interface of this VM that matches the given
    - `predicate` (callable) is a function that takes a network and returns
      True (return this network) or False (skip this network).
    for network in
        if predicate(network):
            return network
    return None

class VVC

A vCenter host.

class VVC(object):

    A vCenter host.

    def __init__(self, hostname):
        Creates a VVC instance.

        - `hostname` (str) is the name of the vCenter host.
        self.hostname = hostname
        self.service_instance = None
        self.service_instance_content = None

    def connect(self, username, password=None):
        Connects to the vCenter host encapsulated by this VVC instance.

        - `username` (str) is the username to use for authentication.
        - `password` (str) is the password to use for authentication.
          If the password is not specified, a getpass prompt will be used.
        if not password:
            password = getpass("Password for {0}@{1}: ".format(username, self.hostname))
        self.service_instance = connect.SmartConnect(host=self.hostname,
        self.service_instance_content = self.service_instance.RetrieveContent()
        atexit.register(connect.Disconnect, self.service_instance)

    def get_first_level_of_vm_folders(self):
        children = self.service_instance_content.rootFolder.childEntity
        for child in children:
            if hasattr(child, "vmFolder"):
                yield child.vmFolder

    def get_service(self, service_name):
        if hasattr(self.service_instance_content, service_name):
            return getattr(self.service_instance_content, service_name)
        raise NotFound("Service {0} not found".format(service_name))

    def get_custom_attributes_mapping(self):
        Returns a dictionary that maps custom field keys to custom field names.
        custom_attributes_mapping = {}
        for field in self.get_service("customFieldsManager").field:
            custom_attributes_mapping[field.key] =

        return custom_attributes_mapping

    def set_custom_attribute(self, item, attribute_name, attribute_value):
        attribute_mapping = self.get_custom_attributes_mapping()
        attribute_key = None
        for actual_attribute_key, actual_attribute_name in attribute_mapping.items():
            if actual_attribute_name == attribute_name:
                attribute_key = actual_attribute_key

        if not attribute_key:
            raise NotFound("No custom attribute '{name}' found. Available names: {available_names}".format(
                name=attribute_name, available_names=attribute_mapping.values()))

        self.get_service("customFieldsManager").SetField(entity=item, key=attribute_key, value=attribute_value)

    def find_by_dns_name(self, dns_name, search_for_vms=False):
        Returns an item by searching for its DNS name.
        An exception will be raised if the item cannot be found.

        - `dns_name` (str) is the DNS name of the desired item.
        - `search_for_vms` (boolean) (default False) indicates if VMs should
          be included in the search.
        search_index = self.service_instance.RetrieveContent().searchIndex
        item = search_index.FindByDnsName(dnsName=dns_name, vmSearch=search_for_vms)
        if not item:
            raise NotFound(
                "Item with dns name {0} not found (search_for_vms: {1})".format(

        return item

    def get_vm_by_uuid(self, uuid):
        Returns a VM by searching for its UUID.
        An exception will be raised if the VM cannot be found.

        - `uuid` (str) is the UUID of the desired VM.
        vm = self.get_service("searchIndex").FindByUuid(uuid=uuid, vmSearch=True)
        if not vm:
            raise NotFound("VM with uuid {0} not found".format(uuid))
        return VM(vm)

    def get_host_system_by_uuid(self, uuid):
        Returns an item by searching for its UUID.
        An exception will be raised if the VM cannot be found.

        - `uuid` (str) is the UUID of the desired VM.
        esx = self.get_service("searchIndex").FindByUuid(uuid=uuid, vmSearch=False)
        if not esx:
            raise NotFound("Host system with uuid {0} not found".format(uuid))
        return ESX(esx)

    def get_all_vms(self):
        Returns a generator for all virtual machines on this vCenter.
        for vm in self.get_all_by_type([vim.VirtualMachine]):
            yield VM(vm)

    def get_all_by_type(self, types):
        Returns a list of all matching item types.

        - `types` (type[]) is a list of desired types. The types should be
          attributes of the `pyVmomi.vim` module, for example `pyVmomi.vim.VirtualMachine`
        view = self.view_for(types)
        all_items = view.view
        return all_items

    def get_all_esx(self):
        Returns a generator for all ESXi host systems on this vCenter.
        for esx in self.get_all_by_type([vim.HostSystem]):
            yield ESX(esx)

    def get_all_dvs(self):
        Returns a generator for all distributed virtual switches on this vCenter.
        for dvs in self.get_all_by_type([vim.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch]):
            yield DVS(dvs)

    def view_for(self, types):
        return self.get_service("viewManager").CreateContainerView(

    def get_restricted_view_on_vms(self, properties):
        Returns a list of all virtual machines.
        The VMs will only have the specified properties but retrieval will be
        insanely fast. The properties must exist on the `pyVmomi.vim.VirtualMachine`
        object, of course.

        - `properties` (str[]) is a list of desired properties.
          For example using `properties=["name", ""]` will return
          objects that have only the attributes `name` and ``.
        return self.get_restricted_view_on_items(properties, [vim.VirtualMachine])

    def get_restricted_view_on_host_systems(self, properties):
        Returns a list of all ESXi host systems.
        The ESXis will only have the specified properties but retrieval will be
        insanely fast. The properties must exist on the `pyVmomi.vim.HostSystem`
        object, of course.

        - `properties` (str[]) is a list of desired properties.
          For example using `properties=["name", "hardware.memorySize"]` will return
          objects that have only the attributes `name` and `hardware.memorySize`.
        return self.get_restricted_view_on_items(properties, [vim.HostSystem])

    def get_restricted_view_on_items(self, properties, types):
        Returns a restricted view on a specific item type collection.
        The items are restricted in the sense that only properties which were
        specified upon retrieval can be accessed.

        The return value will be a list of items that have the desired properties
        as attributes.
        Note that recursing properties (e.G. summary.config) will be stored under
        their full name (item.summary.config).

        - `properties` (str[]) is a list of properties that should be fetched.
          Recursing properties can be separated by dots, e.G. "summary.config".
        - `types` (type[]) is a list of types to restrict the items that are given
          back. The types must be attributes of the `pyVmomi.vim` module.
        unrestricted_view = self.view_for(types)
        collector_spec = build_property_collector_specs(unrestricted_view, properties)

        retrieved_contents = self.get_service("propertyCollector").RetrieveContents(collector_spec)
        items = []
        for item in retrieved_contents:
            item_instance = ItemContainer()
            for item_property in item.propSet:
                if in properties:
                    item_instance.set_path_value(, item_property.val)
        return items

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • VVC
  • __builtin__.object

Instance variables

var hostname

var service_instance

var service_instance_content


def __init__(

self, hostname)

Creates a VVC instance.

  • hostname (str) is the name of the vCenter host.
def __init__(self, hostname):
    Creates a VVC instance.
    - `hostname` (str) is the name of the vCenter host.
    self.hostname = hostname
    self.service_instance = None
    self.service_instance_content = None

def connect(

self, username, password=None)

Connects to the vCenter host encapsulated by this VVC instance.

  • username (str) is the username to use for authentication.
  • password (str) is the password to use for authentication. If the password is not specified, a getpass prompt will be used.
def connect(self, username, password=None):
    Connects to the vCenter host encapsulated by this VVC instance.
    - `username` (str) is the username to use for authentication.
    - `password` (str) is the password to use for authentication.
      If the password is not specified, a getpass prompt will be used.
    if not password:
        password = getpass("Password for {0}@{1}: ".format(username, self.hostname))
    self.service_instance = connect.SmartConnect(host=self.hostname,
    self.service_instance_content = self.service_instance.RetrieveContent()
    atexit.register(connect.Disconnect, self.service_instance)

def find_by_dns_name(

self, dns_name, search_for_vms=False)

Returns an item by searching for its DNS name. An exception will be raised if the item cannot be found.

  • dns_name (str) is the DNS name of the desired item.
  • search_for_vms (boolean) (default False) indicates if VMs should be included in the search.
def find_by_dns_name(self, dns_name, search_for_vms=False):
    Returns an item by searching for its DNS name.
    An exception will be raised if the item cannot be found.
    - `dns_name` (str) is the DNS name of the desired item.
    - `search_for_vms` (boolean) (default False) indicates if VMs should
      be included in the search.
    search_index = self.service_instance.RetrieveContent().searchIndex
    item = search_index.FindByDnsName(dnsName=dns_name, vmSearch=search_for_vms)
    if not item:
        raise NotFound(
            "Item with dns name {0} not found (search_for_vms: {1})".format(
    return item

def get_all_by_type(

self, types)

Returns a list of all matching item types.

  • types (type[]) is a list of desired types. The types should be attributes of the pyVmomi.vim module, for example pyVmomi.vim.VirtualMachine
def get_all_by_type(self, types):
    Returns a list of all matching item types.
    - `types` (type[]) is a list of desired types. The types should be
      attributes of the `pyVmomi.vim` module, for example `pyVmomi.vim.VirtualMachine`
    view = self.view_for(types)
    all_items = view.view
    return all_items

def get_all_dvs(


Returns a generator for all distributed virtual switches on this vCenter.

def get_all_dvs(self):
    Returns a generator for all distributed virtual switches on this vCenter.
    for dvs in self.get_all_by_type([vim.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch]):
        yield DVS(dvs)

def get_all_esx(


Returns a generator for all ESXi host systems on this vCenter.

def get_all_esx(self):
    Returns a generator for all ESXi host systems on this vCenter.
    for esx in self.get_all_by_type([vim.HostSystem]):
        yield ESX(esx)

def get_all_vms(


Returns a generator for all virtual machines on this vCenter.

def get_all_vms(self):
    Returns a generator for all virtual machines on this vCenter.
    for vm in self.get_all_by_type([vim.VirtualMachine]):
        yield VM(vm)

def get_custom_attributes_mapping(


Returns a dictionary that maps custom field keys to custom field names.

def get_custom_attributes_mapping(self):
    Returns a dictionary that maps custom field keys to custom field names.
    custom_attributes_mapping = {}
    for field in self.get_service("customFieldsManager").field:
        custom_attributes_mapping[field.key] =
    return custom_attributes_mapping

def get_first_level_of_vm_folders(


def get_first_level_of_vm_folders(self):
    children = self.service_instance_content.rootFolder.childEntity
    for child in children:
        if hasattr(child, "vmFolder"):
            yield child.vmFolder

def get_host_system_by_uuid(

self, uuid)

Returns an item by searching for its UUID. An exception will be raised if the VM cannot be found.

  • uuid (str) is the UUID of the desired VM.
def get_host_system_by_uuid(self, uuid):
    Returns an item by searching for its UUID.
    An exception will be raised if the VM cannot be found.
    - `uuid` (str) is the UUID of the desired VM.
    esx = self.get_service("searchIndex").FindByUuid(uuid=uuid, vmSearch=False)
    if not esx:
        raise NotFound("Host system with uuid {0} not found".format(uuid))
    return ESX(esx)

def get_restricted_view_on_host_systems(

self, properties)

Returns a list of all ESXi host systems. The ESXis will only have the specified properties but retrieval will be insanely fast. The properties must exist on the pyVmomi.vim.HostSystem object, of course.

  • properties (str[]) is a list of desired properties. For example using properties=["name", "hardware.memorySize"] will return objects that have only the attributes name and hardware.memorySize.
def get_restricted_view_on_host_systems(self, properties):
    Returns a list of all ESXi host systems.
    The ESXis will only have the specified properties but retrieval will be
    insanely fast. The properties must exist on the `pyVmomi.vim.HostSystem`
    object, of course.
    - `properties` (str[]) is a list of desired properties.
      For example using `properties=["name", "hardware.memorySize"]` will return
      objects that have only the attributes `name` and `hardware.memorySize`.
    return self.get_restricted_view_on_items(properties, [vim.HostSystem])

def get_restricted_view_on_items(

self, properties, types)

Returns a restricted view on a specific item type collection. The items are restricted in the sense that only properties which were specified upon retrieval can be accessed.

The return value will be a list of items that have the desired properties as attributes. Note that recursing properties (e.G. summary.config) will be stored under their full name (item.summary.config).

  • properties (str[]) is a list of properties that should be fetched. Recursing properties can be separated by dots, e.G. "summary.config".
  • types (type[]) is a list of types to restrict the items that are given back. The types must be attributes of the pyVmomi.vim module.
def get_restricted_view_on_items(self, properties, types):
    Returns a restricted view on a specific item type collection.
    The items are restricted in the sense that only properties which were
    specified upon retrieval can be accessed.
    The return value will be a list of items that have the desired properties
    as attributes.
    Note that recursing properties (e.G. summary.config) will be stored under
    their full name (item.summary.config).
    - `properties` (str[]) is a list of properties that should be fetched.
      Recursing properties can be separated by dots, e.G. "summary.config".
    - `types` (type[]) is a list of types to restrict the items that are given
      back. The types must be attributes of the `pyVmomi.vim` module.
    unrestricted_view = self.view_for(types)
    collector_spec = build_property_collector_specs(unrestricted_view, properties)
    retrieved_contents = self.get_service("propertyCollector").RetrieveContents(collector_spec)
    items = []
    for item in retrieved_contents:
        item_instance = ItemContainer()
        for item_property in item.propSet:
            if in properties:
                item_instance.set_path_value(, item_property.val)
    return items

def get_restricted_view_on_vms(

self, properties)

Returns a list of all virtual machines. The VMs will only have the specified properties but retrieval will be insanely fast. The properties must exist on the pyVmomi.vim.VirtualMachine object, of course.

  • properties (str[]) is a list of desired properties. For example using properties=["name", ""] will return objects that have only the attributes name and
def get_restricted_view_on_vms(self, properties):
    Returns a list of all virtual machines.
    The VMs will only have the specified properties but retrieval will be
    insanely fast. The properties must exist on the `pyVmomi.vim.VirtualMachine`
    object, of course.
    - `properties` (str[]) is a list of desired properties.
      For example using `properties=["name", ""]` will return
      objects that have only the attributes `name` and ``.
    return self.get_restricted_view_on_items(properties, [vim.VirtualMachine])

def get_service(

self, service_name)

def get_service(self, service_name):
    if hasattr(self.service_instance_content, service_name):
        return getattr(self.service_instance_content, service_name)
    raise NotFound("Service {0} not found".format(service_name))

def get_vm_by_uuid(

self, uuid)

Returns a VM by searching for its UUID. An exception will be raised if the VM cannot be found.

  • uuid (str) is the UUID of the desired VM.
def get_vm_by_uuid(self, uuid):
    Returns a VM by searching for its UUID.
    An exception will be raised if the VM cannot be found.
    - `uuid` (str) is the UUID of the desired VM.
    vm = self.get_service("searchIndex").FindByUuid(uuid=uuid, vmSearch=True)
    if not vm:
        raise NotFound("VM with uuid {0} not found".format(uuid))
    return VM(vm)

def set_custom_attribute(

self, item, attribute_name, attribute_value)

def set_custom_attribute(self, item, attribute_name, attribute_value):
    attribute_mapping = self.get_custom_attributes_mapping()
    attribute_key = None
    for actual_attribute_key, actual_attribute_name in attribute_mapping.items():
        if actual_attribute_name == attribute_name:
            attribute_key = actual_attribute_key
    if not attribute_key:
        raise NotFound("No custom attribute '{name}' found. Available names: {available_names}".format(
            name=attribute_name, available_names=attribute_mapping.values()))
    self.get_service("customFieldsManager").SetField(entity=item, key=attribute_key, value=attribute_value)

def view_for(

self, types)

def view_for(self, types):
    return self.get_service("viewManager").CreateContainerView(